7 Causes Danger of Cracked Walls

7 Causes of Cracked Walls

Cracked walls are one of the most common problems in residential buildings. Not a few newly built dwellings also experience wall cracking problems, either subtle or severe cracks. The problem of cracked walls if not immediately repaired can cause a lot of unpleasant impacts, one of which is to damage the aesthetics of the residence.
So that you can recognize the causes of cracked walls,

7 Causes of Cracked Walls
Location Factor
Low Wall Quality
Improper Acian and Plaster Process
Decaying Wood Sills
Too Heavy Building Load
Incorrect Mixture of Building Materials

7 Causes of Cracked Walls

The walls of a house or building that experience cracks are indeed a very common thing. It can be said that almost no building is made one hundred percent perfect without any defects or minor cracks at all. Even minor cracks should not be underestimated.

No matter how small the crack is, it can cause rainwater or other seepage water to enter between the walls easily. If left unchecked, the wall will automatically become weathered and destroyed. Wet walls will also make the color of the wall paint fade and make the appearance of the wall unattractive to look at.
Wall cracks that are getting worse can affect the structural condition of a building. Severe cracks can make the wall unable to stand perfectly and unable to support the weight of the building strongly, and can even cause the wall to collapse easily.

Actually, what factors can cause the wall to crack? As reported by Eden Structural, below are some of the causes:

-Location Factor

The location factor is one of the main causes of cracked walls that are commonly experienced by many people. What is meant by the location factor is the condition of the land where a building stands. For example, buildings that stand in rice fields with wet soil textures such as former rice fields or swamps will be more prone to cracking. Conversely, buildings that stand on dry land are less likely to have cracks in the walls.

7 Causes Danger Of Cracked Walls

Why the walls of the house are cracked

-Low Wall Quality

Another factor that causes cracked walls is the low quality of the walls. When building a house, there are many choices of wall materials that you can use. Houses made using red bricks generally have better wall quality compared to Hebel and can affect their resistance to cracking.


Indonesia is one of the countries that has land that is above the volcanic belt. This automatically leads to frequent volcanic earthquakes, albeit on a low scale, which can damage buildings and cause the walls to crack.

7 Causes Danger Of Cracked Walls

Why the walls of the house are cracked

-Improper Acian and Plaster Process

Aci can be said to cover the wall or wall so that it looks neat. Although this is fairly simple, it turns out that the process of painting that is not correct and not thorough can be one of the causes of cracked walls. Ideally, a wall that is already standing perfectly also needs to be plastered. After it is completely dry, then the painting process is carried out. Unfortunately, many builders are impatient so the painting process is done in a hurry. As a result, the wall will easily crack in a short time.

-Weathered Wood Sills

The wood used for the frame of the house will expand to weathering at some point. If the frame made of wood has begun to expand and experience weathering, the surrounding walls will certainly be affected. This is one factor that people rarely pay attention to.

7 Causes Danger Of Cracked Walls

Why the walls of the house are cracked

-Building loads that are too heavy

Many homeowners carelessly renovate their houses from one level to two levels without any good calculations. Increasing the house will automatically make the load of the wall increase. Walls that are not specifically designed to withstand the weight of a two-story building can crack and jeopardize the structural strength of a building.

-Incorrect Mixture of Building Materials

The process of building a house requires the use of many different materials so that the building can stand perfectly. If the mixing and use of building materials is done carelessly and not according to calculations, the walls can automatically become easy to crack.
